If you are a member of one of the governing bodies of the trade unions or a department representative, you can, if work allows, take up to ten days paid leave per calendar year to attend union meetings.

If you are a member of a trade union without being a member of one of the governing bodies or a department representative you can, if work allows, take up to four days leave per calendar year to attend these meetings.

To follow courses provided by the trade unions you can, if work allows, take up to six days additional leave, provided the course is also in your employer’s interest.

If you are a member of the trade union concerned, you may take the time off that is needed for trade union meetings at your employer.

A trade union can reach further agreements with the company’s management about exceeding the maximum ten days’ special leave for employees who are members of one of the governing bodies of the trade union or are department representatives as referred to above. The total facility of on average ten days per employee will not be exceeded in this case.