CLA concepts Job salary (salary scale on an annual
basis for a 36 hour working week)
Fixed allowance Salary exceeding
grade maximum
Shift work allowance/
Allowance for shifted
hours Adjustment
The labour marker-related allowance (is calculated on)







The performance-related allowance 
(is calculated on the Individual job salary)






Salary exceeding grade maximum (is calculated on)







The tirteenth month (1/12 share is calculated on)







Adjustment allowance (is calculated on the shift work allowance)







Overtime is calculated on hourly wage, inclusive any Saturday allowance)







Pension (PGS) (is calculated on)







Individual allowance (is calculated on)







Shift work allowance (is calculated on)







Holiday allowance (8%, is calculated on)







Deputation allowance (is calculated on)







Saturday allowance (is calculated on)







Job salary (is composed of)  + - - - - -

Monthly job salary (is composed of)







Individual job salary (is composed of)







Individual monthly job salary (is composed of)*







Hourly wage (is composed of)*







Annual salary (is composed of)







Monthly salary (is composed of)*







Annual income (is composed of)*







Monthly income (is composed of)*








CLA concepts Holiday allowance 13th month Individual
Labour market
The labour market allowance









 The performave related allowance (is calculated on the Individual job salary)









Salary exceeding grade maximum (is calculated on)









The tirtheenth month (1/12 share is calculated on)









Adjustment allowance (is calculated on the shift work allowance)









Overtime (is calculated on hourly wage, inclusive any Saturday allowance)









Pension (PGS) (is calculated on)









Individual allowance (is calculated on)









Shift work allowance (is calculated on)









Holiday allowance (8%, is calculated on)









Deputation allowance (is calculated on)









Saturday allowance (is calculated on)









Job salary (is composed of)









Monthly job salary (is composed of)









Individual job salary (is composed of)*









Individual monthly job salary  (is composed of)*









Hourly wage (is composed of)









Annual salary (is composed of)*









Monthly salary (is composed of)*









Annual income (is composed of)*









Monthly income (is composed of)*


: 12







Remuneration and salary components on the basis of which CLA terms are composed

 * In proportion to the agreed working hours


Annual income: Your annual salary including any Saturday allowance, labour market-related allowance and/or individual allowance.
Annual salary: Your individual job salary plus the holiday allowance, thirteenth month and any performance-related allowance, shift allowance and/or adjustment allowance.
Deputation allowance: The allowance is not included as a base amount used for calculating any other compensation, allowance or payment specified in the CLA nor for calculating your pension base.
Hourly wage: Your individual job salary divided by 52 times the agreed weekly working hours.
Individual allowance: The individual allowance will not be a component of your individual job salary.Individual job salary: The job salary applicable to you on an annual basis in proportion to the agreed working hours including any salary exceeding grade maximum.
Individual monthly job salary: Your individual job salary divided by 12.
Job salary: The scale amount applicable to you on an annual basis, associated with the salary scale on the basis of which you are paid based on the standard working hours.
Monthly income: Your annual income divided by 12.
Monthly job salary: Your job salary divided by 12.
Monthly salary: Your annual salary divided by 12.
Standard working hours: 36 hours on average per week.
Working hours: The weekly working hours agreed with you.